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All of us have been given many gifts which we are called to use.  We are to give of our time, talent, and treasures in various ways.  To register as a parishioner.



We are so blessed to have dedicated volunteers who help in various ways!  We strive to have a safe and fruitful place to get involved.  If you would like to volunteer, please contact the parish office to initiate the process.  All volunteers who interact with minors are required to complete the Essential 3 (complete a background check, sign a Code of Conduct, and attend a live VIRTUS class) before beginning volunteer service, and update every three years.


We have dedicated staff who help in various ways.   We strive to have a work environment which is Christ centered.  All employees should have the following filled out before employment.   We have the forms that you will need to fill out.   


Some of the forms will be the same as the volunteers.


Facility Use

Parishioners interested in using parish facilities should contact the parish office.


Purchases for the Parish

Please contact the pastor before purchasing anything for the parish.  To be reimbursed for pre-approved purchases, please complete and turn in the Money Request Form to the parish office.


“Each individual must stand before the world as a witness to the resurrection and life of the Lord Jesus and a symbol of the living God. All the laity as a community and each one according to ability must nourish the world with spiritual fruits. They must diffuse in the world that spirit which animates the poor, the meek, the peacemakers —whom the Lord in the Gospel proclaimed as blessed. In a word, “Christians must be to the world what the soul is to the body.”

Church of St. Paul

749 South Main Street

Zumbrota, MN 55992

Parish Office: (507) 732-5324

Fax: (507) 732-5347


Church of St. Michael

451 5th Street Southwest

Pine Island, MN 55963

Parish Office: (507) 356-4280

Fax: (507) 356-2080


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Bulletin Submissions

Send an email to by Wednesday. The business office reserves the right to edit articles as time and space allows.

©2025 Church of St. Paul and Church of St. Michael

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